Saturday 19 November 2011


"hope" is first and last word at end.
its a ray of light on which our dark life depend.
"hope" is  cool breeze on  hot summer day,
in the adverse conditions its an attempt to allay.
"hope" is keeping hold to positivism when everything is tough.
and do even more when everyone says its enough!
"hope" is a  dream for better tomorrow,
its the thought to keep away the sorrow.
"hope" makes the tears diamond in our eyes,
its the immortal thing that never dies.
"hope" is the precious thing with no cost,
but most expensive thing left with us when everything is lost!!


  1. Today at the end of punjab day: you, tarnjot, and gurvinder helped lot to wind up things.

    Thanks a lot for working at the time when everyone was busy in canteen and photography events.

  2. GREAT POEM JASDEEP really defining "hope"

  3. Hope in my RAP way:
    It pulls you up from the darkening slope,
    It drag you from deep to shore,
    It polish your in and let you galore,
    It pushes your limit wish to more,
    Its your ticket for happiness to shop,
    Its keep on going - not let you stop,
    Its your +ve side, its your inner hope!

