Monday 24 October 2011

Literary quote of the day!

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan
do u agree?
i m confused!


  1. This is not true in your case! Michael Jordan kept trying even he failed. But you have never tried, rather You ran out of scene when its showtime!

  2. true @ quadd advertisements!
    but please tell me that do i do all mistakes knowingly?
    it is true that i run at showtime but there is no one to tell me that why i run?
    my inner soul can't answer this too!
    i know i can do, but i don't try to do.
    if i try to do, i do things good but still everything is in vain!
    so many times it had every-time when my name is called the word "irresponsible" is attached to it!
    now, mental psychology is set up in the way that" i can do it, but i won't do it because again same thing will happen"
    now, where is my fault. no one wants to do mistake knowingly( well, not me!)so, please tell me that what can i do?i really want to improve . but don't know how?
    and if we talk about "try" i once gave try in something but result was declared without any interview or selection or judgement. how can i believe "tries"???????
    i know every time its my fault.but i don't know why its my fault!!
    i am really tired n irritated from this "mistake"&"irresponsible" tag with my name!
    i want rid from this!
    i don't know what to do!and how to do!
    (sry readers for personal comment)!

  3. You can't do anything because you are very wise to think all these "mental psychology is set up in the way that" i can do it, but i won't do it because again same thing will happen"".

    You got brilliant head on your shoulders, use it and do what you can do and what are you doing. Nobody can help you.

