Saturday 1 October 2011


"expectation is what is considered the most likely to happen. An expectation, which is a belief that is centered on the future, may or may not be realistic. A less advantageous result gives rise to the emotion of disappointment. If something happens that is not at all expected it is a surprise. An expectation about the behavior or performance of another person, expressed to that person, may have the nature of a strong request, or an order."
Richard Lazarus asserts that people become accustomed to positive or negative life experiences which lead to favorable or unfavorable expectations of their present and near-future circumstances. Lazarus notes the widely accepted philosophical principle that "happiness depends on the background psychological status of the person...and cannot be well predicted without reference to" one's expectations.

Expectations (a thing looked forward to) - i think expectations are some sort of assumption, probability,prediction, supposition or trust of something to happen in future. everyone has expectations. one may expect to get good marks other may expect a chocolate from friend.expectations are vital part of life. on one hand we try to fulfill others  expectations on us and and on second hand we expect others to fulfill our expectations
but, it is not good to have expectations on everyone. i don't say not to have expectations at all. but my point is that not everyone cares for your expectations...........and when your expectations are ignored by others you feel sad and disappointed. so why to have expectations  on others?
"the more u expect from someone,the more u r going to suffer.
so the best thing in life is never expect anything from anyone."

have expectations on yourself !
when you will have expectations on yourself then firstly, you'll be very much sure that no one is going to ignore them . secondly, it will boost yourself to fulfil your expectations. thirdly, you wont feel hurt or sad when u didnt match up with your expectations because all its about you!
when we have more(more here is-excessive) expectations on life ,we are often disappointed when expectations aren't fulfilled!.so, even on yourself expectations should not overlap you.

but this is also the fact that when someone expects something from  us. we try hard to fulfill their hopes on us.this is the positive form of expectation.generally, parents, teachers, friends have such type of expectations on us.such types of expectations really help us to bring positive attitude in us and we are able to do something to match up their expectations .
i know many of you would say that expectations decorate our life. but the thing is that not everyone is able to match your expectations. even sometimes we aren't able to!
for eg. suppose there is one person.that person is most of the times sad. he/she always expect something from others. and that expectation is also excessive.others don't know that why that person expect so much from them. they started ignoring that person.and  that person was now all alone.just with the  broken expectations.............!
so, from above example we gt that we should not have expectations on others
but if we look at other aspect of expectations . we'll get other idea about expectations.
for e.g-there is a person named xyz.he thought himself to be waste material.although he was very good at singing but he left singing as acc. to him no one has interest in him and this made him think  that he wasn't so good at singing...and at next step his condition was as such that the thought  he can never sing well he  started remaining sad. he didn't do any work And many regarded him inferior.but one day , while walking he heard his music teacher talking with other teachers that he could win "singing champs" competition which was 5 days from now, as he has a great talent.boy thought that his teacher is having expectation on him. he started practicing alot....his teacher has already written his name for competition. on the day of competition although xyz didn't  get any prize but a new journey was started for him.a single expectation filled him with  positive thinking.
so , here we get positive aspect of expectations.
expectations and expectations---------------------if we can do everything for others expectations.can we have expectations on others too?


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