Monday 10 October 2011

decisions in life...........!

One of the major activities in life is the fact that we are constantly making decisions. Some decisions we make are of our own choosing, but many others are forced upon us. The most important aspect of making decisions is that as often as possible they should be right decisions. Right decisions usually conclude an issue, but wrong decisions call for more and more decisions in order to rectify the mistake of the initial decision. Some decisions are irrevocable and once they are made they cannot be retracted. So, it is very important in these cases that it is a well thought out decision and not a hasty decision. 
Good and bad decisions in life sometimes shape our future for lifetimes to come. There are cases where a wrong decision in early life can ruin the whole life from that point on. Likewise, there are decisions made in early life that lead to a life of happiness and fulfillment. In the decisions made in life one might wonder how much is based on karma, how much on destiny and circumstances, how much on attitude and free will, how much is on the spree of the moment, how much is well thought out and how much is off the top of the head and how much of our emotions cloud our reason. 
Decisions are a part of the responsibilities of life. We must face them the same as any other responsibilities, because decisions that are right relieve us of many responsibilities and problems in life and wrong decisions only compound our problems. We do not go through with the thought that we must make so many decisions and no more. What is necessary is that as a problem or situation presents itself to us we must or should at that point make the best decision possible.
The higher we climb on the ladder of life the more critical our decisions become, because most often they affect the lives of countless people, and even so of a nation or the world. So our decisions at this point become very critical and carry an enormous overwhelming responsibility.
Some people continually make bad decisions and most often this is due to their habit pattern; they are in the habit of making poor decisions and one bad decision leads to another. Obviously they should set about to correct or alter their habit pattern and stop following the deep ruts made during pasts trips here on Earth. The best way to break a habit pattern is to first recognize that there is a particular pattern we have and then earnestly desire to change it.
Transcendental Meditation is the best way to change all of our undesirable habits because the infusion of the Being gives us insight, and insight is the main thing we need to acquire in order to change anything. To try to physically wrench ourselves out of our ruts is almost impossible. We need Divine Guidance and Divine Strength and we only acquire this through an established contact with the Divine. When this is done our decisions become effective because we have clear insight not obscured by surface emotion and lack of inner strength. The best decision we have made in this or any life is when we decided to step onto the spiritual path and stop functioning from the surface level of life and living on the rim of the wheel. Now we are developing our real strength and wisdom which is our true inner nature.In the final analysis, we are mind and the mind requires stimulation, and decisions keep the mind alert and active.
decisions are based on one end conclusion and that is to find happiness in life and that is life.

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