Thursday, 28 April 2011

  • Take a spoonful of  limejuice and stir it in  half a teaspoon of honey and  few drops of milk. mix well and apply over face and neck 15 minutes before you take bath. this lotion will have a mild bleaching effect on greasy skin.if you have oily skin apply a paste of gram flour  and lime juice on your face and remove after 20 minutes
  • By rubbing a coat of lemon over your face will lessen grease and make complexion  whiter
  • Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with cream, sandal powder,bengal gram flour . make a paste and apply once a day for about half hour before bath.this will keep face fresh and make it glow
  • Tomato is new discovery to be have proved excellent for skin products in marked contain large extent of tomato.if you can daily eat tomato for your skin glow
  • Make a facepack of cucumber juice,some rose water and lemon juice.use it regularly atleast for weak.this will help in fair complexion

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