C'mon kids; come down stairs we are getting late for the school. . .
are twins, a boy and a girl. They got in the car & mom dropped
them, and they reached school just 3 minutes earlier, when the gate was
supposed to be closed. . .
couple of words they shared with mom,, as she wont be able to pick them
back today, after the school so they have to manage with the neighbors
aunt to come back home.. And finally they kissed their mom and had a
good buy!!
They both went in their respective classes, as they were in different sections.
Some hours latter. . . .
The bell rang for the break, and he came out to approach her in the
play ground, at the place where they use to have their lunch
together,daily. Strange.....where is she?? All her friend were out only
she was missing in them.
What happened to her??
Why she is not out today??
There had been times, when he was late to come to play ground but she use to be on time always!!
Where is she....... ohhh GOD???
And many several questions were kicking his mind,, friends- class teacher, nobody knows where is she??
He ran upstairs in a single breathe, to look her in class room...and here she is...thank GOD!!
But, what happened??
Her face was red, and it seems to be if she'd cried for a long??
happened?? He asked while wiping out her tears, kissed her, hugged her
to make his sis. alright.... But she continued crying??
Can you please tell me, what is the reason behind your cry??
broke my water bottle, my brother :( , it was my favorite among all
mamma had bought for me. (She loves tweety a lot, and the water bottle
had a sticker with the moods of tweety- the cartoon character.)
bring you another one, please don't cry my dolly. I can't see you cry.
Though, at times I fight with you but this takes my heart away. Believe
me, I'll bring a new water bottle before the day ends.
Yes,, I do my lil'sis.
they had their lunch, and came home latter in the evening. Changed
dress & had some snacks and this was the time to play.
Hurreeeeyyyyyy,, He shouted!!
You go my bro.. I'm not feeling well today. I'll stay at home.
Do you really think,, I'll go out with friends while leaving you alone here??
But, my water bottle broke down today :( :( she shouted...
(And tears again busted out from her eyes,, this time louder than before).
was successful to make her alright somehow, and took an excuse from her
& went out.... and he was back again in a while with a bag, and an
appearance of something in it.
He took her hand and said- come with me.....
But where are we going??
That's none of your business... my cutie piee.... Juz come with me....
They locked the house, he took his bicycle out and asked her to sit behind.
Where are we going, brother??
It's a surprise for you, just sit with me and I'll bring your happiness back....
And he started, but they are not moving on the way to playground???
Bhaiyya, we are on the wrong track. The play ground was on the right hand and you took a left.
He didn't answered anything this time, and she can read his mind that something was going on, in it!!
stopped in front of a shop, parked his bicycle there.... she was quite,
and very surprised. He went inside and she kept following him.
He opened his bag, took his Piggy bank out and placed it in front of the shopkeeper.
eyes moved around and locked in a while.... He pointed his finger on
the same water bottle, and asked the shopkeeper if he can buy it..with
all he had in his piggy bank??
The shopkeeper returned the piggy bank to the boy after taking the amount of water bottle.
He turned around. she was quite still??
stepped forward and before he could say anything she hugged him
tightly.... This time tears have a miracle in them, as some thing
magical happened to her.
(Still holding him tightly.)
know you've collected all this coins to bring a new toy car, and you
sacrificed your happiness to see me smile :) . This was the best thing
someone ever did for me.
she moved a little back to kiss him,, But what she saw was ironical.
This time he was crying louder than her and before she could understand
anything he said-
can't see tears in your eyes, you are the best gift GOD had blessed me
with. You have shared all my joys & sorrows either it was the first
day of school or when mom shouted on me, when we returned home late
after playing. You were with me every moment, you are my best friend, my
it hurts me a lot when i see you cry. I can do anything to see this
cute smile on your face.... :) And she hugged him back again....
And they went back home, with all tears replaced with joy they shared some moments before...
Some Relations can never be replaced........ They get stronger, by the warmth of every time they stay together......
you.... GOD,, that you've blessed me with an elder brother.... &
Thank him too..... for every time he supported,, wiped my tears and
helped me to bring my smile back.... :)
its really soo touching.
ReplyDeleteu know wat i got tears in my eyes while reading this marvelous story
this time my brother is not with me and after reading the above text , the times we used to spend together just come in front of my eyes and now i'm able to value those moments!!!
ReplyDeletewe all know it is very simple story but the awesome work of the author had converted it into the marvelous one........
i agree tarn!!!!!!!
Deleteya...the purest bond :)