Friday, 6 January 2012

Rain And The Painting!

i was traveling in bus , sitting on window seat. suddenly i noticed that god was throwing his precious gems in form of drops along with taking pics of gems falling on earth (pics? yes, lighting is the flash of his camera). i was enjoying the gems and trying to hold those in my hand but suddenly  i remembered  that there is one-painting outside. raindrops were falling on it. the painting was newly painted. each drop was  removing color from the painting. every  colorless  raindrop felt on the painting ,mixed with color on painting and was falling down like river in which polluted water from factory is released  and that water is now falling from mountain . slowly slowly all the colors were washed away by the falling raindrops. the sheet where painting was made  had now become pure white as it was!
i was little bit worried that painting was destroyed.paper was also wet. i didn't pick it up.many people said that painting wasn't good. then why i was feeling sad? if it was bad better its destroyed in one or other way why not to make new one? well, making new one wasn't possible and i was in no mood of making it.Even it i wanted to, i didn't have extra sheet to make another painting. so, i left the thought and just went on with my daily activities . by the time i saw that sun was now set free by clouds. rainbows were around and gold like rays brightened up the day.i went out to sit in sun and what is saw is that the paper on which i made painting is dried up by sun.i was glad to see it because the reality was that due to unfavorable conditions i as neglecting to paint again but now since, paper is dried up , i have opportunity to paint it again!!
here, i think we can co-relate this incident with our personal lives. here we are the painting. yes somewhere painted with negativism, jealous,revenge, and hatred. and people around you(people who care you) tell you that the painting ( negative part) ain't good. but we don't change the painting and continue with it. then comes the rain. yes, the divine rain , the angel of goodness . it washes away all of our bad habits and remove negative colors from life.rain can be any incident of our life(most of times bitter) that make was feel hurt and kill off all our bad thoughts and emotions.we at that time, really feel shattered , weak and useless like wet paper.yes, the sheet is our mind. sometimes, we get  hurt as raindrops make us  wet (incidents that make us shattered) and even feel irritated from rain but rain does its work and makes the mind empty ,free of all the thoughts. yes, free of all the negativism. now, sun the statue of perfectionism, the cloth of purity, the stone of rigidity and the bowl filled with love and  sugar of care  comes and dries the wet paper and make it ready for new painting to be painted.the sun can be in any form. the person who make us realize that life is still there and new painting is to be made which will be the best amongst all. it will be will be divine and pure in itself !!. 
and lastly, the colors are your good thoughts  whereas brush is you! yourself you had to make your painting different very different that should good .no !it should be best amongst all. all you have to remember is what rain did and sun said. rain will come not to make you wet but to clear your negativism so as to make you more perfect so, don't feel shattered in any situation of life.bad times just come to bring good times. and sun, will be always there for you. for sometime sun may hide after clouds to check our endurance and patience but one time sun will surely come and make you dry!
so, live free , tolerate rain and don't get shattered. don't feel sad if you are not able to see sun around you. its with you. just hiding behind  to check will come and make your wet paper dry on!

i just love this rain. love the gems thrown by him from above . love his every beautiful creation and love him too! (god!)
happy rainy day!


  1. Rainfall is just like blessings of god showered on its children.. People perceive rainfall in different ways.. Some just think that it is just a natural phenomenon, which will occur instantly! Others like you, take it in a sensitive way and can feel its each drop to rejoice a single drop by feeling its touch on their body...

  2. :)
    rain rain ,
    come again,
    take away everyone's pain,
    distributing happiness to all should be ur motive main!!
    everyone should be happy and no one should become sad ever again !!!
    for you ,
    nitu :)

