Landing your dream job depends, mainly, on your ability, experience and the right attitude, but your interview attire cannot be rubbed off as unimportant. First impressions definitely count and if, for an interview, you don't dress the part, you don't get the part.
Here are some basic rules on how to dress for a job interview.
When it comes to professionalism, nothing fits the bill as perfectly as a powerful suit does. Wear a suit if you're going for an interview at a company which is a part of a more formal industry such as banking or law. Keep the tone of your suit sober by sticking to neutral colors like black, navy or grey.
Wear crisp, button-down shirts to companies which have a more relaxed approach to work, like media houses. For wearing under suits, it is best to stick to a white shirt as it would blend easily with anything. It will also serve as the perfect canvas for your tie. Shirts can also be straight collar or tab collar.
When wearing a suit, opt for an appropriate tie that would compliment your look. Avoid neckties with cartoons on them and ones that are extremely loud in terms of color. Ties in blue, burgundy or red are considered conservative enough and acceptable for any interview.
Yes! Shoes too play a crucial role in completing your outfit. Wear black lace up, cap toe shoes when wearing a suit. For the semi formal approach, wear loafers. Irrespective of what your look is, make sure you shoes have been cleaned the previous day as you would not want to give the interviewer a sneak-peak into your lack of preparedness.
When going for an interview, steer clear of the long and messy hairstyle. Keep your hair short as it gives you a more tidy and professional. long hair is acceptable only when you want to audition for a rock band and not for companies that are looking for hardworking professionals.
If you thought this didn't even count, think again. A clean shaven guy will definitely give a more positive vibe to the interviewer than one sporting a stubble or a shaggy beard. Therefore, get that perfect shave and strike the interviewer with your very in-fashion and presentable look.
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