Why You Don't Need an iPhone 4: An Indian Perspective
Do you really need an iPhone, you'll wonder after going beyond the iPhone's reception issues and the unlocked iPhone vs. locked iPhone debate, and factoring in the looming iPhone 5 launch, along with it's expensive nature, it's limited potential for photography, and Android competition, as well as IOS on the iPod Touch
We at MensXP.com give you the simpler take on why you don't need an iPhone 4. If you thought the specs on the iPhone 4 were awesome, Apple MUST have a reason for the iPhone 5.
Maybe it's just better reception
iPhone 5
Yes. The iPhone 5 may come out sometime next year, and suddenly it'll be the same old wistful iPhone 3 owner's longing for the 3GS.
Would Steve Jobs willingly admit (or indirectly acknowledge) that the hottest tech event of the year is just to sell a bug fix that was the reception issue?
Or will it be a iPhone-Transformer® that literally destroys the competition?
Its Expensive
What exactly are you paying 40K for? The apps? You can get 'catch-em-all on your iPod Touch - about Rs. 15,000 or an iPad 2 (a giant iPhone!).Or the camera?
if you really NEED the Photography apps, why not take your love for the megapixel into something more meaningful, man up and buy a real camera, dammit - something better and more versatile than 5MP.Or get an N8 - 12 MP! The communication possibilities? Ha. Blackberry Messenger comes preloaded on all Blackberries.
It's Too Awesome for It's Own Good (Or is it?)
The status symbol? Only the most discerning can differentiate between an iPhone 3 and an iPhone 4 - that's how similar everyone in the i family is.Get a Samsung Galaxy S II instead. It's cheaper, prettier and a worthy adversary, .
With Android's march into Apple territory, you'll soon find all your iPhone apps in little green robot versions.
And what if it gets stolen?
it is high-value merchandise, and Apple products are resold at a premium because of the awesome warranty. This is India - the cops don't care much, and you'll grieve, your entire life, I kid you not, that someone stole your iPhone. Friends will talk about it in hushed whispers as you walk through hallways. You'll doubt your capacity to guard a smartphone for the rest of your life.The Same Apps on Your iPod Touch
I repeat this to emphasize - your iPod Touch is basically an iPhone without the phone. It has the same Operating System (whatever version of iOS is in fashion when you're reading this) and can run Angry Birds - I mean, give you access to powerful apps that can change your life etc.
No Radio
The feature that most Indians overlook, and then lament. Yes. No radio. No hits 95 FM or dhin-chika. You're actually going to spend your 3G subscription on Pandora?
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